Monday, May 4, 2015

Second Spring in the Garden -- What's New

I'm taking a break to catch up on what's new in the garden. Will you join me?

"For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. 
The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, 
and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."
Song of Solomon 2:11-12

So it's been a little over a year since we moved from south Texas to Idaho, and we're enjoying our second spring here. We are happy to see the return of some favorites from last year, including the ornamental onion in the back flower bed. You can see its purple blossom (think giant chive) in the picture above -- and a butterfly even settled in for the photography session!

We were surprised to see Spanish bluebells in the front yard in mid-April. We honestly don't remember seeing these flowers last year, The honeybees love them, too...

Last fall, I cut the peonies to the ground, and they are growing even more abundantly than last year. Here are some buds reaching through the cage...

Cutting the peony foliage back in the fall is worth the effort. Can't wait till these buds bloom into showy, creamy white flowers that will look lovely in a vase...

We planted Montmorency cherry trees last year. They're beginning to bear fruit...

And so are our plum trees..,

Honeysuckle is blooming near the side of our house...

And another surprise in a hidden corner -- lily of the valley, the flower of my birth month, May!

"Sweetest of the flowers a-blooming'
In the fragrant vernal days
Is the Lily of the Valley
With its soft, retiring ways."
(from The Lily of the Valley, by Paul Laurence Dunbar)

I hope you'll take a break and join me for another stroll through the garden in the near future. The rose bushes and Lewis' mock orange have yet to bloom. The back yard will smell sweet, and the afternoon breeze will be delightful. See you then!


Cecilia Marie Pulliam said...

Oh I live spring here in the Treasure Valley, so many beautiful flowers and trees. Actually, I love all the seasons. Your yard is lovely, Judith. And, happy second spring!

Judith C Evans said...

Thank you, Cecilia...and I agree, you can't beat spring in the Treasure Valley. I especially love the flowering trees downtown!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post Judy!! I simply am so grateful for our home and for the gift of each other!

Judith C Evans said...

Glad you liked the post, John. We are indeed blessed!

Stephanie Boardman said...

This was a beautiful journey this morning as I ventured into your garden with The Lord!
I pictured your front and backyard and kind of giggled...
I can almost see your patio in my minds eye!
Bless your journey today! Loved the honeybee?
Did John take those captured moments?
Blessings upon you all today dear ones!

Judith C Evans said...

Glad you enjoyed the stroll, Stephanie! It's fun to watch the garden come to life. I took the pictures in this post :) Have a wonderful weekend!