Saturday, March 21, 2015

Why I Love Communion

On the last weekend of every month, my church has worship service on Saturday evening instead of Sunday morning. The lowering sun shines through the stained glass, and the fact that it is evening seems to make the service extra special. I look forward to the Saturday service every month, especially because it includes communion.

Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, 
he broke it and gave it to them, saying, 
"This is my body, which is given for you. 
Do this in remembrance of me." 
Luke 22:19 (NRSV)

As I wait to walk up the center aisle to receive the bread and grape juice, I am moved as I see fellow church members standing in line. Some are alone in their thoughts, while others stand arm-in-arm. We walk together and as individuals to the communion table. We bring our tragedies, celebrations, insecurities and accomplishments, and are equally welcomed and fed.

I was baptized in this church two months ago during an evening service, and communion was especially sweet that Saturday. Walking up the aisle with baptismal water still dripping down my forehead, I was keenly aware that I had become a member of a body as well as a church. 

This evening, we once again gathered for our Saturday service and received the bread and grape juice. We do this every month in remembrance of the One who was broken for us, and we bring our broken hearts, broken lives and broken communities to Him. We are fed, and the restoration begins.


Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful, new, and fresh beginning for you, Judy!!! Your first post is highly encouraging as well as the blog title and tag line. The world needs more blogs as yours and a heartfelt attitude that change is necessary and can be accomplished. Please, keep up the great work you so very humbly accomplish! All the best!

Judith C Evans said...

Thank you, John! Your encouragement means so much!

Stephbman said...

Very beautiful...thank you for sharing ..I could feel the walk down the aisle for communion!, blessed to you today!

Judith C Evans said...

Hi Stephanie, good to see you here. Thanks for the kind comment!